Four ‘S’ for Boys & Four ‘B’ for Girls

These 4 “S” for boys and 4 “B” for girls are being chosen based on qualities needed for a happy, healthy family as well as fulfilling needs of the offspring and also to transfer better physical qualities to offspring. In no way this blog is directed to condescend/patronize any person or any gender in any way. This blog only would like to point to some qualities which the writer of the blog thinks are important for the couple relationship as well as for the time when that relationship changes to a family (means entry of kids).

A brief meaningful insight in stock trading

Stock trading is one of the sector with some high return in investments. With right knowledge and skill, you can earn really good money in stock trading.

But, it also comes with risks. So, no pain no gain; similarly stock trading is also full of pain of risk of losing assets. The high return of investment compensates for risk associated with stock trading. Imagine there exists a company called “XYZ” in the shape of a pizza. And a person wants a slice (STOCK) of the pizza (company XYZ). The baker would could cut it into slices. That each slice would be considered as a STOCK. The more slices that pizza has, the more volume of stocks that company would have.

Indirectly, when we buy a stock of a company, we own a slice of that company.

Connection of abuse and adverse life experiences in childhood with psychopathy

Connection of abuse and adverse life experiences in childhood with psychopathy.
A child is born with a pure heart, clear mind and no negative energy. When that child grows in a particular environment, he/she starts to absorb the energy, emotions, feelings, behavior and attitude of that environment.

so, a child grows like an alien, wherever environment that child is; they become like that through silent learning, observation and imitation. So, it is parent or caretaker’s responsibility what picture to draw on a blank sheet of paper; in the blank mind of a child.

A guide to Preparation and management for a productive & effective life of the new member of family.

Preparing and managing for a productive, effective life for the coming new member of family.
Most of the parents are not mentally ready while having a baby. It might be easier to have a baby, but it is surely difficult to raise a kid, when you have no vision and preparation. Without preparation, it would lead to chaos, and it would hinder the future of kid to have a successful career. It is also parent’s responsibility to upgrade themselves mentally, physically and emotionally to deal with kids and be able to give a good upbringing.